Saturday, 18 February 2012

BeUNIQUE Hair Care Launch

Monday is the day! I am scared and excited all at the same time, scared because I don't want anything to go wrong and I want everyone to like the product,s and excited because as soon as the money starts coming in I can start expanding the brand and add more products. Due to the fact that I am funding this venture myself I can only launch with two products, before the end of the year I hope to have at least 7 on the website! It's hard being just one person having to create all the goodies and also having a full time job, but hopefully in the near future this business will be my full time job.



So excited and congrats again...PEACE QUEEN!

follyflo said...

i completely understand how you're feeling im sure it will go well. Any feedback you get will just help you but ive been hearing so many great reviews so far so i can't wait to purchase my own!