Wednesday 16 December 2009

Going cone free! week 2

On Saturday 12th December, I did a deep condition I mixed Giovanni Smooth as Silk Conditioner with Curls Coconut Sublime, coconut oil, olive oil, mayo, honey and baking soda, I left this in for about 3 hours with a plastic bag on my head. I then rinsed this out with a little extra Coconut Sublime, and used Giovanni Direct Leave-in Weightless Moisture Conditioner, sprayed a little H20 and veggie glycerin/oil mix, and I also used Oyin's Whipped Pudding (shea butter). So basically I used a cream leave in conditioner, water and oil products making sure that my hair get maximum moisture, I also rinsed my hair with COLD WATER. I got this advice from Nikkimae2003 on YouTube and more specifically this video

My hair still isn't perfect but it is definitely more moisturised and getting softer and my hair is soft when I wake up no more straw! I definitely think no cones is the way. I've since seen I few videos on YouTube talking about the Curly Girl Method so I'm gonna look that up and see what it's saying. I'll keep you posted.

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